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The benefits of cold therapy in treating acute injuries will be apparent to anyone who has ever placed a bag of ice or frozen peas onto a newly twisted knee or ankle, something similar happens when we use cryotherapy to ease the trauma of a knocked fetlock or a kick on the hind quarters from a pasture mate!

Cryotherapy is already widely used in veterinary care however we appreciate it is not always practical to take your horses to the veterinary surgery so we are pleased to be able to bring our mobile therapy clinic to your horse either at your event, stables or your home, this enables us to provide great value for money, save your time and eliminate stress to the horse.

Cryotherapy works well for treating swelling caused by tendon lesions, oedema and thrombosis after intensive training sessions, it can also be used to help treat laminitis and sweet itch. Another common joint related problem that often responds well to cryotherapy is osselets, tearing of the joint capsule of the fetlock, early acute cases need to be treated with rest and aggressive cooling.

Cryotherapy is also a great way to tackle injuries which are related to tendons and ligaments, examples of when it can be used include after kicks or bites, tendon and ligament injuries, splints or heavy roadwork, a good rule of thumb is to check the site for strain or heat, if the area is swollen, painful to touch and abnormally warm cryotherapy can be an appropriate treatment option.

Book now, substantial discounts are available for block bookings or multiple treatments at same venue please ask us for details.

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